Friday, January 22, 2010

More Noah photos

Here are more photos with Nathan and Noah (We still have not been able to get Annie close enough to him for a picture). We gave him a bath last night too, which he hated. This was the first time the kids had really heard him cry. Annie put her hands on her ears and went and sat under the table.


Diane said...

Those pictures are adorable. I can't wait to see him in person.

Ali said...

He is so cute! It's so cute how much Nathan loves him!

Joanna said...

Nathan is glowing with joy in the picture of him laying on the floor looking at his baby brother. Poor Annie. Her world has changed now that most attention is on your new baby. I wish that adjustment wan't so tough for them. It's hard to see their hurt feelings. Like I said, he is sure adorable. Hope you're surviving the third Stef. ;)